From a legal point of view, losing important documents like Wills can be catastrophic.
They should be kept securely and with reliable access.
At White Deer Legal, we have the solution.
Our physical document storage facility will ensure that your Will and other important documentation will be safely and securely stored in a professionally maintained and managed environment. There is no charge for retrieval of your documents.
We will also provide you with premium access to Auderli (usually £49.99 per year). Auderli is a secure, simple and intuitive application designed to help you organise and share your important life information in one safe space. For more information about Auderli, click here to visit their website.
If you are storing the original, signed version of your Will and it cannot be found after your death, there can be repercussions. Legally it can be presumed that your Will has been lost or destroyed. This means that the instructions on the Will may not be carried out.
We believe that our secure document storage offering is the perfect way to protect your Will.